Thursday, December 23, 2010


I'm done! (I really like it too.) I worked side by side with Micah as he sewed a gift for his cousins. It turned out to be a day of peace and creativity. I loved it. My spirit feels refreshed, and I can face all the craziness of our Christmas Eve trip to Clearwater tomorrow. Plus, now I feel confident in handing over a completed piece that I think she will like in exchange for our new puppy.

Most of this final stage of the painting involved glazing with paint thinned with liquin so it will dry quickly and much of the underpainting will show through. I added more punch in the blue background and used a gray that was a mixture of Veridian and Alizerin Crimson. Black and white would have been lifeless and boring, but combining the green and red deepens the darks and holds a rainbow inside. It works like a seesaw back and forth with either more redish or greenish shades of gray. I had to be careful with this subject because a green goat would have looked a little odd. The combo needed to stay balanced.
I'm very happy with the turnout. Can't wait to see the client's reaction.

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