Thursday, August 22, 2013


Last week, we skipped a week butchering. Wow. What a vacation week. We didn't even want to go anywhere. There were so many projects just waiting for attention, where does one start? On my studio of course!

Bill and Micah worked together very well. Micah is now inspired to dive into set design at Santa Fe community college this year. I was soooooo staying out of their way.  I just fed all the animals and they went to it.

As you can see, the windows are very big. Boy, do they let the light in. Yes, I was still hesitant about how they take up so much wall space, but I'm getting used to them. I had to chuckle. I told Bill that all we need now is a set of eyelashes because they give the shed two big eyes.

Can't you just see them blinking?

Last night we went to a friends house and picked up a beautiful exterior door. It even matches the windows with lots of glass.
Today I'm rearranging the spare bedroom we use as an office to accomidate some art space. My muse just can't wait until everything is done on the shed. At least I'll have a place to go until the electricity, insulation, and walls are done.
So, no art to show today, but I'm looking forward to painting something in the very near future.

Friday, August 2, 2013


The sun is up, drying up the puddles on the tops of the chicken tractors. I know the longer I wait to go outside, the hotter it will become. Bill has gone to the post office to pick up chicks. So I'm stealing a few moments, still in my pajamas, sipping a cup of green tea and wishing for just a little longer morning.

It's a very satisfying feeling to walk past a small canvas with wet paint on it from the day before. Evidence that I really did pick up the brush for a little while. Second week in a row, by the way. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

All day long yesterday Bill worked on framing in the windows in the shed. They are going to be HUGE. I'm feeling a nervous tickle in my stomach about them now. Too late to change things, but what if there is just too much window and not enough wall space? What if I'm making a green house instead of a studio? I know my husband well enough by now that I better not say to much about my worries. He's on a roll and I'll only frustrate him and the work will stop. He so wants to please me and sometimes I change my mind too much. I just have to remember that he's the construction expert here. If he says it will work, we'll go with that.

So while he's outside with hammer and nails, I'm inside with the music cranked up.
Here's the painting I did last week:
 I'm thinking about using it in my next collage piece. I didn't get a picture of yesterday's beginning, but The pallet is still full of paint and I'm planning on getting back to the easel when all the day's work is over. It's going to be a busy day.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Last week I was discouraged, but this week I feel hopeful. I think this blogging thing is just what I need to stay committed to the pursuit of being an artist here on the farm. No, I didn't actually paint anything yet, but does it count that my outlook is positive? Yes! Inside, something is stirring. I feel like God is saying, "Go ahead and trust Me. See what happens." I don't have any new shed progress pictures to show today, because all the stuff is still in the same place. But....Bill finished the gate. He did a great job like he always does, and now he said the windows are next. So maybe next week I'll be able to put some new pictures up of the shed's transformation. I did, as a matter of fact, accept an invitation for the 2013 Kanapaha Gardens Paint Out coming up on Sept. 13 - 15. Their website is Plus, I was invited to teach at JC Campbell Folk School next August. (Today I HAVE to get that paperwork in the mail.) The website for the folk school is So here's to moving forward!

Monday, July 15, 2013


Obviously it's been a long time since I have mentioned art in a blog. There is always a reason to put it off, always a reason to get something else done on the farm. I didn't know that embracing this dream of farming would endanger my other life as an artist. It's easy to get overwhelmed, to complain, to give up. But just this morning I was reading in my Bible about the armor of God. Ephesians 6:13 (Amplified Version) "Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]." Maybe I'm overly spiritualizing my personal struggle to keep art in my life, but I feel a connection. Do I have a crisis? It feels like one to me. Standing my ground means not letting go. Standing my ground means not giving up. My faith shield has been full of holes and needs repaired. I can start there. I know my Father is on my side. He has put this creative spirit inside of me and He keeps letting me see the possibilities of working together with Him. I can close my eyes and see a finished studio and artwork that comes from my fingertips. When I open my eyes I see an unfinished shed, a pile of dusty paint tubes, and an empty canvas on my easel. Here's a picture of the shed where my new studio will be. I am so grateful to have it. It was a gift from my parents. The inside is full of stuff from the kids, extra junk we don't have a place for and of course, feed. (Who can just let a shed sit there empty?) My wonderful husband has promised to work on putting in new windows to let more light in right after he finishes putting in the gate on the fence. My job is to get it cleaned out. I promise to keep you posted on our progress. I think it will inspire me and give me a creative outlet while I wait, and of course, STAND, keeping my joy and not losing hope.